A downloadable game for Windows

A Placement, Automated Battle, Real-Time Strategy game. Players can place construction plans, observe automated construction, automated battles, and unlock new technologies. Players pass the level after collecting tech points through activities.

Target Audience

For players who enjoy complex games and like to observe, but don't like tedious operations. Players focus on strategy and the details of the game are automated on their behalf.

Massive Battles with Minimal Controls

The game features an astonishing number of units on the screen, with nearly 100 units initially and up to 500 units in the later stages. Players only need to make a few clicks. They simply need to place construction plans, and the game's AI takes care of the rest. The game also offers a pause and resume function, allowing players to give orders to units while paused.

Wishlist on Steam!


release.2024-09-07.demo.windows.zip 797 MB

Install instructions

The demo on steam support SteamDeck, Mac, Linux

Any bug reports or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me via jacksonxiegames@gmail.com

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